Series 2 Homeschool Bible Study CurriculumBible study materials your children will want to use again and again!
Based on Friends and Heroes thrilling adventures with life-changing Bible stories, this pack provides everything needed for a full year's worth of homeschool Bible studies for students ages 7 to 11.
Plus, your whole family will enjoy the episodes on DVD for family viewing for years!
- Episodes 14-26 on six multi-language DVDs in an attractive slipcase
- 36 weeks of homeschool Bible curriculum. See details below.
- Lessons based on video adventures and Bible stories children love.
- Easy-to-use Bible curriculum designed for homeschool students ages 7-11 years.
- Active, creative lessons that help kids learn while having fun!
- Helpful teacher's guide.
- All materials are printable and reusable (PDF files) and can be used with multiple students simultaneously or over multiple school years!
- Loads of FREE online resources on our Children's Website at www.friendsandheroes.tv to supplement your class time
DVD episodes are set in Alexandria, Egypt - AD 69
Multi-Language Version DVDs - 10 Languages DVD 7: Episodes 14 & 15 - One of Us / Over the Walls
DVD 8: Episodes 16 & 17 - The Ram / Rescue Strangers
DVD 9: Episodes 18 & 19 - Prince for a Day / Unwilling Guests
DVD 10: Episodes 20 & 21 - Aid and Comfort / Hostages
DVD 11: Episodes 22 & 23 - The Big Lift / Home
DVD 12: Episodes 24, 25 & 26 - Desperate Measures / Toadie on Trial / Hope
Running Time: 13 Episodes - 25 mins per episode plus extras
Languages - Audio and Subtitles: Arabic; Chinese
(Mandarin); English (in Dolby 5.1 Surround Sound); English (with Audio
Descriptions); French; German; Hindi/Urdu; Korean; Portuguese
(Brazilian); Russian; Spanish (South American)
Please note: curriculum is available in English only
See individual DVD descriptions for more details of the extras on each DVD!
Every lesson includes:
- Introduction
- Reference for the week's Bible story
- Background information and introduction of the week's learning objective
- Memory verse (optional)
- Bible Study (approximately 30 minutes to 1 hour depending on optional video viewing) - Fun interactive lessons that dig deeper into many of the Bible's most important stories through:
- Bible stories
- Video
- Discussion
- Creative activities
- Devotional (approximately 10 minutes)
- Application of the week's learning objective
- Devotional activity
- Discussion
- Prayer time
- Optional Activities - Fun interactive games and puzzles to reinforce each week's learning.
What does it cover?
Kids will learn to apply God’s truth from timeless Bible stories such as
Noah and the Ark, Jesus Feeds the 5,000, Jacob and Esau, and Herod and the Wise Men.
here to download a complete list of the curriculum's Bible stories and lessons.
